There is no greater feeling than seeing your pet content and happy. On this blog, our number one aim is to provide you with all of the info and tools you need to make sure your pet is safe and happy. We will be looking at all kinds of different pets such as dogs, cats, rabbits, and hamsters. We will also look at more exotic pets such as snakes and tropical fish. Everything you read here is the result of hours of research by pet owners just like you. We aren't experts but we are guided by our love of animals.
Leslie West
Are you thinking of boarding your cat with special needs as you go on vacation? If so, it's essential to know that pets with special needs require extra care and attention in the new environment. Whether your furry friend was born with a disability or they suffered one due to an injury or sickness, it's possible to make boarding easy and bearable for them. Below are some useful tips to ease the process while making boarding comfortable for your cat.
Provide Medication and Supportive Equipment
Cats that have suffered an injury or sickness need medication to ease the pain. Therefore, before you board your pet, ensure you provide their medication and instruct the carer on how to administer it. If you're going away for a long time, get enough prescriptions to prevent a shortage. Alternatively, you can ask the boarding facility whether they can refill it in your absence.
Also, if your cat uses equipment such as a wheelchair, mobility braces, ramps or other supportive equipment, take them to the facility as well. Find a pet care boarding facility that has experience handling injured or disabled cats so they can provide adequate care to your furry friend while you're away.
Consider the Cat's Dietary Requirements
Cats with special needs may have varied dietary requirements from others. Therefore, before boarding your pet, pay attention to their needs. As such, bring along their special cat food, properly labelled with their name on it. Ensure the boarding facility accommodates pets with special dietary requirements.
Provide feeding instructions to the carer, paying attention to specifics such as the amount the cat should eat and at what intervals. Again, if you're going away for a long time, provide information on where the carer can get the exact food if it runs out.
Beware of Behavioural Issues
Some cats with special needs may have fears and anxieties which alter their behaviour. For example, your furry friend may grow extremely fussy when in a new environment or around strange faces. If this is the case, you may want to ease into the process. For example, start by boarding the cat for a few hours every day before leaving them for days or weeks.
They should get used to the new environment after some time. Also, notify the staff of any fears and behavioural issues the cat may display so they can know to show compassion and love.
Boarding a cat with special needs requires ensuring your pet is comfortable in the new environment. Find a boarding facility whose staff has been trained on how to handle pets with special needs. Look for local cat boarding facilities near you.