Making Sure Your Pet is Happy
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Making Sure Your Pet is Happy

There is no greater feeling than seeing your pet content and happy. On this blog, our number one aim is to provide you with all of the info and tools you need to make sure your pet is safe and happy. We will be looking at all kinds of different pets such as dogs, cats, rabbits, and hamsters. We will also look at more exotic pets such as snakes and tropical fish. Everything you read here is the result of hours of research by pet owners just like you. We aren't experts but we are guided by our love of animals.


Making Sure Your Pet Is Happy

  • A Guide to Adding a Dog Seat Cover to Your Car

    21 May 2024

    Owning a dog brings immeasurable joy and companionship into one's life. Whether it’s a trip to the park, going on holiday or just a drive to the local café, having your furry friend alongside for the ride makes every trip better. However, it also presents a unique set of challenges when it comes to maintaining the cleanliness and integrity of your car’s interior. Here's where the importance of a dog seat cover comes into play.

  • Don't Wait: Signs Your Pets Need Veterinary Services

    17 March 2023

    If you have pets, you need to focus on their health. Pets can't use words to let you know when something is wrong. For that, you need to pay attention to the way they look and act. Not all health issues need emergency care. But, all pet health issues do need veterinary care. If you're not sure you should take your pet to the vet, read the list provided below. If your pet is experiencing any of the issues described here, take them to a vet as soon as you can.

  • How to Choose a Vet for Your New Puppy

    22 February 2022

    Getting a new puppy is really exciting, but there are many things you need to do to prepare. One of the most important things you need to do is to choose a vet practice for your puppy, and this guide aims to explain three things you should do when making your choice. Ask Other Pet Owners for Recommendations Talking to other pet owners in your area is a great idea for many reasons, and getting recommendations on veterinary services is one of the main ones.

  • Gerbil Care: Obstructive Ear Disease

    15 January 2021

    Obstructive ear disease, also known as aural cholesteatoma, is a relatively common condition experienced by adult gerbils. It typically develops alongside or after an ear infection and is characterised by an overgrowth of epithelial skin cells caused by excess keratin in the middle ear. Obstructive ear disease can cause your gerbil to experience significant ear pain, so it's important to be aware of the signs of this condition and how it's treated.

  • An Unfortunate Feline Theft: How to Prevent Your Neighbours From Stealing Your Cat

    22 April 2019

    According to research, cats don't need their owners. And while that doesn't mean that your cat will just up and leave one day, it does mean that there is a higher likelihood of them being stolen. That's not to say that all cat thefts are intentional. If your cat takes a liking to a neighbour down the road, for example, that neighbour may not even realise the cat belongs to you.